by dg | class Tester moved to Runner\CliTester | | | |
by milo | Minimal PHP version is 5.4.0 | | | |
by dg | Helpers::purgeDir removed also .gitignore | | | |
by dg | Merge pull request #115 from milo/pull-33-jobs | | | |
by dg | Released version 1.5.0 | | | |
by dg | AssertException uses full message without placeholders | | | |
by KminekMatej | Asssert: add hasKey and hasNotKey assertions (#427) | | | |
by dg | Nette\Test: added new simple unit test framework | | | |
by dg | Released version 2.4.0 | | | |
by dg | readme: updated badge | | | |
by dg | escapeshellarg replaced with Helpers::escapeArg, because escapeshellarg is broken on Windows (PHP bugs #43784, #49446, ...) | | | |
by milo | Helpers: escapeArgs() only non-safe characters | | | |
by dg | CliFactory replaced with more common command line parser | | | |
by dg | Merge pull request #65 from ujovlado/tester-runner-typo | | | |
by dg | Dumper: instead of ErrorException prints its severity | | | |
by dg | DomQuery: removed warning for invalid tags [Closes #354[Closes #416] It now allows SVG, MathML and Custom Elements. | | | |
by dg | support for PHP7 Throwable | | | |
by dg | NetteTest: added directive @keepTrailingSpaces | | | |
by milo | Environment: removeOutputBuffers() is called publicly (PHP 5.3 compatibility) Fixup for 9d21094c99143616bec343baedeffaa9c70e3080 | | | |
by milo | Runner: show results anytime when exists Runner shows 'No tests found' although pre-failed exists. | | | |
by dg | CliTester: removed .php from help | | | |
by dg | Assert::exception() returns exception | | | |
by milo | TestCase: tested methods pattern is test[A-Z0-1_] [Closes #64] | | | |
by milo | Test: removed getName(), added getSignature() | | | |
by dg | TestHandler, Dumper: job arguments are shortened | | | |
by kravco | Nette\Test: fixed bug | | | |
by milo | typo | | | |
by dg | Assert, Environment: in shutdown phase failed assertions are immediately displayed. Note, that Runner is unable to catch this errors in CLI & PHP 5.4.0 - 5.4.6 due PHP bug #62725 | | | |
by dg | Released version 1.4.0 | | | |
by dg | small fixes | | | |
by dg | Merge pull request #108 from milo/pull-nan | | | |
by dg | Runner: fixed waiting for last async Job [Closes #415] | | | |