application | by dg | __toString: when is called as method, exceptions are thrown | | | |
application | by dg | Application::getContext() is protected | | | |
application | by dg | Presenter::$absoluteUrls fixed | | | |
application | by dg | Presenter: added support for typehint 'object' | | | |
application | by dg | Templating\DefaultHelpers renamed to Helpers (BC break!) | | | |
application | by dg | ApplicationExtension: option 'scanFilter' changed to pattern, default is '*Presenter' | | | |
application | by xificurk | Presenter: change default value of globalParams to fix warning while forwarding to Error presenter [Closes #202] | | | |
application | by dg | Control::flashMessage() enhanced type hint | | | |
application | by dg | Application::$onResponse is called only "on" response | | | |
application | by dg | added ApplicationExtension & RoutingExtension | | | |
application | by dg | Presenter: added sendResponse(); terminate() is no longer intended to send a PresenterResponse | | | |
application | by Majkl578 | replace usage of callback() by direct instantiation of Nette\Callback | | | |
application | by dg | removed compatibility for old class names - inteface Nette\Application\IRouter replaced by Nette\Routing\Router | | | |
application | by miloshavlicek | ComponentReflection::parseAnnotations: fixed regexp quoting | | | |
application | by dg | added support for persistent parameters with property typehints in PHP 7.4 [Closes #230] | | | |
application | by dg | type fixes | | | |
application | by dg | Application: allowed REST methods | | | |
application | by dg | UI\Presenter: type mismatch of parameters passed to methods action-, render- and handle- throws BadRequestException or InvalidLinkException instead of silent type juggling | | | |
application | by dg | UI\Presenter: $payload initialization moved to constructor | | | |
application | by dg | attached() replaced with callbacks | | | |
application | by dg | typos | | | |
application | by dg | Presenter::argsToParams() object parameters are required too (BC break) | | | |
application | by dg | typo | | | |
application | by dg | Control: implemented "smarter factory" (thanks to Mancze & team) | | | |
application | by dg | Presenter & PresenterFactory: calls constructor and setContext() using auto-wiring (very experimental) | | | |
application | by dg | Presenter: added support for typehint 'iterable' [Closes #203] | | | |
application | by dg | cs | | | |
application | by dg | removed dependency on Debugger::toStringException() | | | |
application | by peteruhnak | PresenterComponentReflection::combineArgs() should retype variables in the $res array. [Fixes #99] Use foreach's automatic indexing instead of manual one. | | | |
application | by janbarasek | Component: Throw exception in case of signal method in Component or Presenter is private [Closes #263] | | | |
application | by dg | tests: removed Environment | | | |
application | by dg | improvements | | | |