
Repository Author Commit message Committed SHA  
bootstrap by dg added variable %rootDir%
application by dg PresenterFactory: default mapping is App\UI\*\**Presenter (BC break)
application by dg LatteFactory: $control is passed to create() (BC break)
application by dg @annotations are deprecated (BC break)
application by dg Presenter: removed constructor (BC break!)
application by dg Component::getParameter() $default is deprecated
application by dg Component::link() & etc uses variadic parameter
application by dg deprecated magic properties except for $template & $payload (BC break)
application by dg Component: only UI components can be added to presenter/component (BC break) WIP
application by dg Revert "UI\PresenterComponent: removed references created by loadState() for persistent parameters. [Closes nette/nette#703][Closes nette/nette#703][Closes #69]" (possible BC break)

This reverts commit cda17f460d020b0f042364d4e140742022a7e94d.


BC break: Property must be nullable, ie: #[Persistent] public ?int $foo

application by dg RouteList: array access is deprecated
application by dg added type hints (BC break)
application by dg removed compatibility for old class names

- inteface Nette\Application\IRouter replaced by Nette\Routing\Router

application by dg removed support for Latte 2
application by dg opened 4.0-dev
application by dg Presenter: support for templates without /template folder
application by dg PresenterFactory: support for location Foo/FooPresenter via **
application by dg RoutingPanel: show presenter class even if it doesn't exist
application by dg added feature "link aliases"
application by dg Component: createComponent<name> methods are checked by checkRequirements()
application by dg added attribute #[Requires]
application by dg Component::checkRequirements() delegated to Presenter
application by dg added attribute #[Deprecated], replacement for @deprecated
application by dg Latte: UIExtension is added before user extensions if $control is passed to LatteFactory::create()
application by dg Latte: CacheExtension & FormExtension are added before user extensions [Closes #320]

application by dg Latte: removed error message for missing |translate

Warning doesn't catch that {_} doesn't work either

application by dg Latte: |modifyDate moved to UIExtension
application by dg PresenterFactory: name checking moved to formatPresenterClass()
application by dg Revert "ApplicationExtension: $catchExceptions can be '4xx' in addition to bool"

This reverts commit d16847f445e683fc6b7be9d233652b2532ac9a97.

application by dg Control::flashMessage() enhanced type hint
application by dg tests: simplified tests
latte by dg {include with blocks} does not end the head

Last synchronization: 2024-04-16 10:01:26